My science/technology-related thoughts, sometimes controversial, sometimes can be based on limited knowledge base, logic can be non-perfect as well. I develop my vision in iterations. Don't take this blog as an attempt to convince anybody in anything.
Each post in this blog reflects my level of understanding of Tectonics of the Earth at the time the post was written; so, some posts may not necessarily be correct now.

30 April, 2011

Magma Transportation On The Temperature Gradient.

Why do volcano eruptions correlate with earthquakes? Which of two of the types of events are the cause and which are the consequence? Probably, one would say, crust layers collide squeezing magma up. But, really, can the collisions produce enough pressure to pump magma that high. Have a look at The East Pacific Rise, just pure magma under the Ridge, just nothing that could resemble any kind of the pump mechanism. Nothing to get collided here at first glance. New crust is getting born here out of magma, and the newborn crust is getting spread out.

The suggested concept is the next: Powered by deformations, crust propagates magma in the direction of lower temperature by the means of earthquakes, the magnitude of the earthquakes depends on many factors, among them are: amplitude and frequency of the deformations, crust characteristics, magma temperature, the value of the temperature gradient.

On the example of The East Pacific Rise, it can be Moon/Sun induced deformations on the border between the plates. The mechanism can be the next:
- When crust is stretched, its ruptures are filled with magma, when the crust is getting compressed, it can not produce the same flow of magma back, as magma had lost its temperature on heating and melting the rupture borders. The more viscous magma would try to find easier ways to escape the pressure, by, say, creating new ruptures.

This way, I believe The East Pacific Rise is being built of solidified magma.

28 April, 2011

How To Tell The Nature Of The Mechanism Of The East Pacific Rise.

There are a number of models of driving mechanisms behind plate movements, just a few to mention:

- Mantle convection model;
- Slab suction;
- Gravitational sliding;
- Tidal friction of the moon;
- etc;

The proposed in previous posts mechanism "Magma Solidifying In The Crust Ruptures Caused By Moon/Sun Induced Crust Deformations" is completely different to them. Let's see how it fits East Pacific Rise spreading.

First, under "Crust Deformations" in this case we have the process the boundary plates are getting closer/more distant with moon month cycle. Let's leave Sun and planets effects for next postings. Moon orbit is inclined toward Equator plane. Thus, Earth twice a month is more stretched on Equator, twice a month is less stretched. Because of that the distance between plates varies with the period.

Now, let us ask some questions:

- Does the mechanism pump magma up?

Yes, vertical temperature/viscosity gradient in the gap between plates acts as a pump, less viscous magma is easier to get "sucked/pushed up" when the gap between plates increases. And after cooling the "more solidified" magma under the press of boundaries would try to find "easy" way, that is, partially to up-well. If the were no vertical viscosity gradient of magma between plates, the up-welling would not be significant. The magma up-welling depends on many factors, one of them is speed of boundaries spreading. The less speed, the higher the magma could be pumped up, Mid Atlantic Ridge can be an example, in my opinion.

-What signs specific to this concept would be left on/within crust, that can be measured experimentally?

1. I think, some semi-solidified regions could be left within the spreading crust, as the squeezed up magma would not flow uniformly. With proper instrumentals the anomalies could be found relatively easy, as their depth, I'd expect, would be less than 100 km.

2. The pumping up magma should produce specific earthquake pattern in correlation with month cycle.

3. Probably it would not be a bad idea to place precision sensors on both sides of the Rise to track their relative position. If monthly relation of the distance variation is found, that can be an evidence as well of the mechanism working on the ridge.

4. Probably, there should be some properties to be detected that depend on the crust tension.

The difference between proposed concept and models mentioned in the beginning of this post is that the models operate with force that presumably acts on a plate, while the proposed concept deals with displacement, not with force. And variable displacement between plates have to exist according to lows of Physics, the question is - is it enough by amplitude to produce the detected effect of ridge spreading. Also it should be mentioned that the the speed of the spreading is greater closer to Equator regions, that correlates with the fact that Moon's induced variations of Earth surface are greater closer to Equator regions.

The proposed idea of magma transportation on vertical temperature gradient (with the help of Moon) seems to be new as well.
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26 April, 2011

Divergent Boundaries Spreading Mechanism By Magma Solidifying In The Crust Ruptures Caused By Moon/Sun Induced Crust Deformations.

This article is to formalize my previous article

Earth is getting colder. Upper parts of its molten layers have to solidify. Crust is not static. It undergoes deformations caused by Moon and Sun. Resulting ruptures have to be filled with magma, the magma within the ruptures gets solidified. Following deformations would further propagate ruptures to be filled with the solidified magma. A divergent boundary brakes the crust along the line where the crust experienced the most deformation.

If the crust was ocean crust then a mid oceanic ridge emerges, the divergent boundary that spreads crust. If that was continental crust then a continental divergent boundary emerges. The thickness of the divergent boundary increases until:
a) the boundary starts to spread crust. The boundary thickness maintains at the level just enough to spread the crust.
b) the boundary is thick enough to reduce local deformation to the level the crust forms new divergent boundary along new line. In this case deformations in old divergent boundary stop and the boundary deactivates.
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25 April, 2011

Forces behind Continental Drift. A concept of mid oceanic ridge self-spreading.

The key point of this article is that a mid oceanic ridge is self-spreading.

The oceanic crust is rather thin around a mid oceanic ridge. Moon/Sun induced deformations cause ruptures in the crust within the ridges. The ruptures are filled with magma, magma cools down and gets solidified. On the next half of Moon-cycle the crust would deform the opposite way, causing more ruptures on the opposite side of the crust.

The thickness of the mid oceanic ridge is self-regulated. The greater force is required to spread the crust, the slower it would move, the thicker the ridge will be. East Pacific Rise spreads the crust that will be sub-ducted in Pacific Ring of Fire, a relatively little force is required, thus the crust in the ridge is rather thin and the speed of the spreading is rather high. Mid-Atlantic Ridge has to spread not only ocean crust, but also the entire America, thus it is much thicker and much slower.

Crust sub-ducting in Pacific Ring of Fire takes a relatively little force from the mid oceanic ridges - the work is "done" by Moon/Sun. The sub-ducting crust and its environment are elastic, but not ideally elastic. When Moon deforms them, the crust would move slightly by the push force of mid oceanic ridge. But when Moon would restore the surface's shape, the crust won't return totally back, thus, the slight force from the ridge would sub-duct the crust in a small step.
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14 April, 2011

Pattern Repository and Expert System Over It.

   Basically the idea is to let a user to record a pattern of some repetitive event coresponding to some  physical or non-physical entity, upload it to servers, apply an expert algorithm over the uploaded pattern to get the characteristics of the physical or non-physical entity. The algorithm is to be stored on the servers, but it can be downloaded and run on the client, say, in Javascript.

   To illustrate the idea:
Imagine someone has bought an air conditioner. And he wanted to monitor its working parameters from time to time. A new airconditioner has a certain vibration pattern. Any even potential failure would show in the changed vibration pattern. So he would get his mobile device, attach a vibration sensor to the air conditioner, measure the pattern, send it to the servers. The algorithm would compare the pattern with the patterns supplied by the air conditioner manufacture, and the expert statement would be generated about the health of the air conditioner motor and compressor parts. The sensors can be universal to be attached to many different devices, or stationary, that is specific to a device and placed (or even built-in) in the device. The communication between a handheld and the sensor can be wireless, infrared or of any other kind.

   The pattern can be of any physical or non-physical origin: vibrational, sound, electromagnetic etc, etc (even behavioral). A proper pattern can talk a lot about the underlying processes.

   The scope of the entities to be monitored is virtually unlimited, just to name a few:
- Vehicles: cars - many points to monitor, bicycles, scateboards;
- Home applience,
- Industry-related set-ups: wind or steam tourbines, any kinds of engines, compressors etc;
- Bridges, roads under the repetetive load;
- Human body - a lot of ties with the specific charecteristics;

- etc, etc;

13 April, 2011

Multi-Threaded CPU Core, Multi-Core CPU, Multi-CPU System, Or Multi-System Box?

Just an idea, quite obvious though.
A system box to contain the next blocks:

- "System" block - basically this is a MotherBoard shrinked to one chip plus a number of fast optical interfaces, say Intel's Thunderbolt, plus some usual interfaces, USBs for example. The "MotherBoard" should not feature neither PCI bus, nor RAM interface. But some basic video would be nice to have on-board. Ideally, this System block should be "System-On-Chip" capable to run simple tasks in stand-alone mode.

- CPU block - one or more Intel or AMD CPUs with some super fast RAM on-board;

- RAM block - a block with some GBytes of DDR3+ RAM;

- Storage block - an HDD or Solid Disk Drive;

- Other blocks (Video, for instance);

To start with, I'd like the box to contain 4 System blocks, 4 CPU blocks, 4 RAM blocks, and 4+ Storage blocks. Each System block should be physically connected to many other blocks (the more the better) through the fast optics (Intel's Thunderbolt). As the dynamic inter-system allocation of the CPU/RAM/Storage is a matter of rather distant future, it would be nice, to start with, if the configuration were defined in the Box BIOS. Some System block would take over the Box BIOS and a user would configure the Box on power-up.

So, if needed, a user will allocate all the resourses to just one system, let's call it "power gamer" mode, or it will be just 4 independent PCs - "Office PC" mode. Or a user will allocate one system to "Real Time Op System" to monitor some industrial process, one system to provide database back-up, the rest resourses - to handle Business Logic and UI.

The main idea is that, as the fast and cheap serial interfaces by Intel are getting closer to reality, there is no need in that Printed Circuit Board called MotherBoard anymore. A physical Box can contain many blocks, the block can be arranged into required configuration on the power-up of the Box, or in the future cofigured dynamically "on the run" between different operating system.

That's it, why not have separate Windows, Mac, Linux systems to collabore in one box?
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